Thursday, February 13, 2014

Building Sentences


Building Sentences

This is an activity that I did each week with my kiddos. It is such a simple activity and was relatively low prep. I switched out the graphics to match our weekly theme and made up some sentences that they would be able to sound out! We had fun learning to stretch words, build sentences, and write correct sentences.  I paired my kiddos up because I found having them work together produced better results. My “higher” students were able to help my “lower” students and they weren’t able to move on until both students had it. Before they were allowed to write the sentence, they had to put the cards in order and raise their hand for me to check. Once THEY READ the sentence CORRECTLY they were able to write it. If they had a few words out of place, they had to try again. If they were unsuccessful repeatedly I would show them the words that were mixed up.  We worked on writing with finger spaces, remembering out capital letters and the ending punctuation! I used this activity in May with my kinder kids!

We start with our cards all mixed up!

We put them in order, hug our words and read!

After our teacher gives us the go ahead- we write in our best writing with finger spaces. (It’s okay if we take up more than one line, but we are learning to write smaller!
Here is our froggy sentence building activity! Please, please if you download the activity leave me a comment. The encouragement will further motivate me!
Here is a little tip for keeping those cards organized- each set gets a number on the back and then number the baggie it goes in! Another space saver is to cut the bottom corner of the bag very slightly to allow the air to be pressed out! Here is a picture of some of my numbering! It can be tedious and time consuming- but it is a huge time saver when you find a piece that didn't make it back into the baggie! Instead of searching through all the sets, you know exactly where it goes!
If you made it to the bottom of the post- thank you! The first person to comment with your mailing address and  follow my blog will be given the chance to get this product. I will mail you my set since I won't be needing it! It's all ready for you to use. : )

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