Friday, February 14, 2014

Transportation Sight Word Practice

Sight Word Practice

This game was created to practice two sight words (our sight words of the week). One of my fabulous teacher friends (Shout out- Tarren!) went to a conference where they spoke about repetition with sight words. (Duh, right. Kiddos need lots of repetition and practice!) After that we starting making more games with just a few sight words to give our kids extra practice with our sight words of the week. I loved that they had to say the words over and over! The kids enjoyed these simple games to because they weren’t overwhelmed by many sight words, especially my kids who struggled with sight words. This isn’t to say we didn’t play games with all of sight words because we did. This game was part of my transportation unit. Our words that we were practicing were see and in, but you could use any two words that you are working on. I am including a blank copy and a copy with the words already typed in.  We used matchbox cars to play this game, but I found it was easier to play with these little foam cars because they didn’t roll on the lamination!

How To Play: Each kiddo gets one race track. Each pair gets two trophies. Each kiddo will need two cars! Students pick a card, read the card and move their car accordingly. If they don’t know the word, they ask their partner and put the card back, but don’t move their car. If they get a pitstop card- they move their car back one spot! Whoever makes it to the top of their race track first wins a trophy!


These trophies can be found in the Walmart party aisle, but I’m an amazon lover! Amazon Prime= free shipping! Here are the ones I bought!





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